Bowen Technique
Bowen Technique is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy, utilising the subtle input to the body (known as moves). These gentle but purposeful moves deliver signals to the nervous system, which can be done through light clothing.
Bowen addresses the entire body by restoring balance to the autonomic nervous system. Healing can occur when the body shifts into the rest, relax and repair mode.
Bowen Technique is extremely relaxing. There are 2 min waits between the gentle moves over the specific points, this allows for the opportunity to really notice what is happening in the body and provides for a very powerful mind, body, sensory experience.
Rather than focussing on a single complaint, Bowen technique addresses the entire body, by restoring balance to the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS controls over 80% of bodily functions and is very susceptible to external stressors. Most people today live inconstant state of high stress and sympathetic ANS over-stimulation (fright, flight, freeze mode). Healing can occur only after the ANS shifts from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance (rest, relax and repair mode). Bowen Technique enables that shift. During a session, the client often drops into a deep relaxation, and loud peristalsis may be heard. Both of these changes are indications of a profound release from stress and a shift towards parasympathetic influence. This shift could explain, in part the common observation that a Bowen Technique session seems to reactivate the recovery process in situations where healing from trauma, sickness or surgery has stalled or reached a plateau.
Tracey brings an intuitive inquiry process to enhance the powerful and unique Bowen experience.
A typical session takes approximately 1hr 15mins.